Ethics and governance

The Novellini Group is proud to run its business - each and every day - in a safe, proper and transparent way.

That is why the Code of Ethics was created: a tool to help increase the awareness of employees, contractors, partners and every other stakeholder. A key document to ensure that every person behaves correctly and in line with the ethical and social values that have always driven the company.

Novellini has also implemented an Organisational Model which complies with the latest applicable laws and regulations. It calls for a Board of Directors, a Board of Statutory Auditors and a Supervisory Body to be appointed in order to ensure compliance with the Code of Ethics.

Close cooperation between the company and regulatory bodies and authorities is, for us, of fundamental importance. We believe that the essential elements for sustainable growth are innovation, quality, creativity, paying attention to customers and, above all else, ethics in running the business.

On the basis of these principles, Novellini has always been committed to creating an increasingly sustainable production cycle, to enhancing the region and to managing it business in a correct and impartial way.

Every relationship is managed with integrity and loyalty, without any conflict between company and personal interests and in accordance with the principle of fair competition.

Useful documents:

Novellini S.p.A. has adopted the so-called traditional administrative system based on the establishment of two bodies appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting:

  • The Board of Directors
  • The Board of Statutory Auditors


Accounting control is, as per the law, entrusted to the audit firm.