
Total Quality Programme

“Success…is the result of daily work, of the management system that people have built and strive to improve”


Extract from “The Toyota Way”

M.Mazzieri-Deputy Managing Director of Toyota Material Handling Italia

“Multi-year project to improve operating performance launched on 17 May 2006 and in constant evolution.”

Novellini Group

Striving for perfection

A continuous improvement initiative which involves the company’s entire organisation and functions within a bottom-up logic.


The initiative launched by Novellini is based on the importance of managing people well, leadership, teamwork, training and worker involvement because technical and human aspects cannot be separated if we are really seeking excellence.


The Novellini Total Quality project has, amongst its goals, achieving an effective and efficient level of service. Providing customers with a timely and punctual service which is in line with their expectations, through continuous employee training and the development of a dedicated organisation based on the customer’s expectations.


The main goal of Novellini’s Total Quality project is to satisfy the customer who uses our product. The aim is for the product to meet their expectations, be easy to use, exhibit attention to detail and to come from a historic company whose philosophy is based on efficiency, quality, style, elegance, courtesy and a smile.

Little patches of improvement or the “morning market”

Every morning, operators from various work and service areas exchange information to manage the day’s tasks, to check the progress of improvement projects and to decide on any recovery actions. The active role of people and their involvement in continuous improvement actions are at the base of the Novellini system.

“These is only one supreme leader: the customer. The customer can fire everyone in the company, from the chairperson down, simply by deciding to spend their money somewhere else.”

Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, the world leader in the large-scale retails sector